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West Region Rep Candidates    (1-year term)

Michael Spencer, ENP, CMCP

I previously served on the TENA Board and have really enjoyed the experience. I have enjoyed meeting people from across the State at the Conference and hearing about their successes and challenges in their own ECC's. I made the decision to not put in for the vacancy a couple of months ago because I want to see more people from West TN get involved. I think all of us can learn and benefit from serving on this Board. Since only one person put in for West in the regular election I have decided to throw my name back in the hat. I want to make sure we have two members from West represented.

For my professional qualifications, which include guiding the City Of Memphis Fire Department's communications, my mission has been to fortify emergency response through strategic oversight and technological enhancements. Our team has successfully surpassed national standards by routinely answering 90% of calls within 10 seconds, reducing the average answer time to approximately 7 seconds—a testament to our relentless pursuit of excellence in emergency management. I have managed several CAD, radio, phone, recorder upgrades. Prior to taking the Manager Job at Memphis Fire, I worked for the Memphis Police Department Emergency Communication Bureau for 23 years. The last 5 as the head of that PSAP operation.

My goal is to get more people from West involved in TENA, increase conference attendance and encourage more professional development. We need to continue to push ENP, Center Supervisor, and Center Manager certifications throughout our State to stay at the top of the National conversation.

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